Why Book Tom?
Manage with confidence
Lead with expectation
Personify integrity
It's Tuesday morning. Another meeting. People drag into the room, yawning and carrying gargantuan mocha javas. Someone launches a presentation.
Papers are distributed. And after sixty minutes of nodding, scribbling, and mindless chatter, it's discovered that this week's reports are really not all that different from last week's. Sound familiar?
To survive, you've got to change your course and strategize. Perhaps you need to improve your negotiating skills, refine your leadership abilities, or maybe you just need help identifying those easy improvement targets.
Whatever the case may be, Tom can help.
Tom Bower changes the quiet, stagnant, "same as yesterday" individuals into effective leaders. From executives to entrepreneurs, education professionals to health care providers, those in volunteer organizations, small businesses, or corporations...Tom transforms "B" producers into "A's"
Whether it be one-on-one or a focus group session, Tom inspires and draws out the very best of those present. The most important person in the room is not me, it's you!"
Awaken | Inspire | Excite
Want to change the path of your organization or business? Are you stuck in a comfort zone? Has routine invaded your life?
For an individual, change is never easy. For a group of individuals, each with their own emotions, "change" can be a boiling pot of reluctance, fear, and resistance. How do you address this? Get a fresh perspective - give your people a boost with Tom Bower.
Tom has motivated and ignited groups in ballrooms and church basements, from Rotarians in Toronto to business and political leaders in Chicago and Mason City. As a highly spirited believer-in-people and one committed to having fun, Tom will find and extract truth, strength, and possibility in your group. With Tom, you can expect a dynamic forum, peppered with humor and driven by results, specifics, and techniques.
Depending on your audience, your objectives, and your goals, Tom will tailor his presentation just for you. And since Tom is a traveling man, you name the place and Tom will get there.
Draw attention | Take control | Make your point
You have great abilities in your field. You excel. Others acknowledge your talents. But, do you command a presence? Are you persuasive? Does your communication style demonstrate that you're in charge?
Turn your passive listeners into "we want more" listeners. Make impressions that will win followers and detractors alike. There is no magic to this; each individual can become a skilled communicator to a group large or small.
Whether you are preparing for that big debut or whether you earn your keep at the podium, Tom Bower will analyze your needs, develop a customized solution, and coach you to becoming a more confident and effective communicator. Suitable for business, media, and health care professionals as well as political personas, Tom's individualized Exec-U-Speak program helps you polish your skills, making you at ease in any venue, be it board room, lecture hall, television, or the legislative floor.
Be strategic | Be realistic | Don't forget your follow-through
Sales flat? Membership lagging? Customer base shrinking? Number of new recruits down?
There are two types of individuals, businesses, and organizations: those at the top of the chart and those that are about to be (they just don't know it yet.) Every person can be successful; every business can be successful.
There's an artist, a Mozart, a home run hitter, a dedicated, rewarded "star" inside every individual.
Tom's here to help you launch your career, business, or organization to the top. His solutions are proven - those who have sought Tom's talent have seen membership grow, sales increase, and careers improve. Even in a "down" market, Tom's clients get results.
Tom is "hands-on" with you or your key personnel and will utilize the expertise and harvest the talents available. He's a teacher - and he builds people. He's an enabler and true believer in "you'll win with who you are" And most importantly, Tom stays - he's not about a one hour pep talk.